
In the heart of a cyberpunk metropolis, where shadows dance with neon light, lies a clandestine workshop.

Here, a master jeweler harnesses the energy of the city's pulse to craft a ring like no other. At its center rests a 3.3ct crystal opal, sourced from the depths of Lightning Ridge, NSW, its iridescence a reflection of the city's myriad secrets.

Encased in 925 sterling silver, the ring becomes a conduit for the wearer's defiance, a symbol of their rebellious spirit.

With a size O (7 US), it fits snugly on the finger, a reminder that even in the chaos of the urban jungle, beauty and strength prevail.


All Earthfire goodies come in high quality reusable gift packaging...

So yes, if you’re buying a present for a loved one, it’s pretty much good to go once removed from the parcel. 


All parcels are sent off within 1 business day from when you drop your order... and it will arrive FAST via express registered post.

You’ll be notified with a tracking number so you can eagerly await your pretties arrival.


... NEW POLICY!!!! … all orders over $500aud worldwide receive glorious free EXPRESS delivery. Default carrier will be Australia Post, but depending on location at times DHL or FedEx.

WHAT IF.....

... you don’t like it?

... doesn’t fit? 

For real, it’s nothing to stress about. Just send me a message and we can arrange an exchange.  EASY!